5 March 2025

Who is George Soros and why is he dangerous? Absolutely

On 16th of February 2023, George Soros made a comment on our Prime Minister that sparked a massive controversy. In his statement he said that India is an interesting case. It’s a democracy. But his leader Narendra Modi Is no Democrat. Within India, as citizens of the country, it is very important for us to understand what George Soros is really doing. So, let’s try to understand who is this man named George Soros? How does he benefit from the collapse of a nation? What are the claims and arguments about this funding problems in India? One of the most important. A feeling we need to remember so that we don’t become the scapegoat of this information war.

Soros is investing $ 1 billion i.e., Rs 8000 crore in India to remove dictatorship from India and bring democracy. Soros is putting this money in India through his NGO. Salil, vice-president of the NGO runs by Soros, accompanies Rahul Gandhi in every anti-government protest. In 1989, Soros single-handedly collapsed the entire Hungarian government just for his revenge. At that time Hungary came under the rule of the Soviet Union and Soros wanted to remove this rule. For this, Soros resorted to his NGO firm Open Society Foundation, so first of all Soros developed a good image of himself in the Hungarian Society, for which he distributed scholarships fellowships among the people and Professors. He started distributing photocopies there, so that people could get a passion in democrat’s ideology.

Not only this, but he also gave a grant to all the Hungarian artists and scientists so that those respectable people become followers of his ideology, and it is seen that people in Hungary started following him and then he started his real work. In the year 1990, Soros launched one of his books ‘opening days system’, in which he conveyed this to the people that How is the Soviet government taking away their basic rights by imposing authority on them? This book became so famous at that time and a nation wise protest have become started all over Hungary and finally. In 1990, the Hungarian government collapsed. But Soros didn’t stop here. He published another book, ‘underwriting democracy’, he started promoting his fake democrat ideology through this book and to make sure that this ideology should implement faster and strong, he also opened his own Central European University in Hungary.

With investment, he also opened his own hatch fund company Quantum Fund in the US, which started investing in the European market. Now because in 1991, Soros had collapsed Hungary government. He thought why not earn money by bringing down the government and their economy. Now remember that George Soros has entered the business at a good level and Britain became the first victim of his idea. So, in the same time period, the UK was going to join the EU’s European Exchange Rate Mechanism i.e., ERM.

Now that Soros had a good knowledge of the European market and had connections with powerful business families, he made a short position on the UK economy in 1992, just a year after Hungary was toppled, by investing in the pound, he earned billions of American dollars. George was able to do this because he knew from his experience that they would not be able to sustain the currency policy that the British government was implementing, and at the same time he made a heavy investment of $ 10 billion in British pounds and as soon as the investment was completed, he made it public that this British pound is not growing properly. What happened was that investors started withdrawing their investments from the British market and the next day the entire British currency market crashed and from this falling market, Saurus earned a profit of one billion dollars in a single day. So, the British pound crash is not the only case, from which he has earned profit. In the year 1999, during the Asian financial crisis, George Soros followed the same model and earned about one billion US dollars from the Thailand and Japan market.

Now the real concern is that George Soros’s eyes have now fallen on India, so when India became the fifth largest economy in the world in 2020, it started Mission India, the same year Soros said in the Global Business Conference that Kashmir is a semi-autonomous region and India’s PM Modi is preparing to take away citizenship of Kashmiri Muslims. Now this was just a statement, but when the Modi government won the election in 2014, it publicly announced on the website of his NGO OSF that OSF has now started India-oriented specific propaganda and the Indian Union Minister has also said that George Soros openly declared a billion dollars fund in India to topple PM Modi and his government.

Now OSAF has been active in India since 1999, now George Soros has a strong connection with the opposition since 2009 when he first came to India to meet his Hungarian Jewish close friend and this close friend was none other than the aunt of opposition party leader Rahul Gandhi, but not only aunt, The Vice President of OSAF Mr. Salil Shetty has an even closer relationship with Rahul Gandhi. Both of them have also been seen together in many protests many times. Whether it is anti-CAA protest, farmer protest.

Recently, Senior of opposition MP Shashi Tharoor also tweeted and called Soros his friend, which shows a clear close connection between Again Soros and the opposition Party. Now another way in which Soros wants to spread his ideology in India. This technique is something he used in Hungary. George gives grants to independent journalists in the name of free media and journalism, so that he keeps publishing anti-government news in India. There are small journalists in it, but some big senior journalists are also involved with them.

For example, in the case of India, Indira Jaising Haider movie writer Basharat Peer, in fact journalist Basharat Peer also did fellowships on behalf of OSAF. Soros and his own NGO OSAF fund some of India’s best NGOs to promote their ideology by publishing negative articles and reports against the current ruling Indian government. In all this, two such funded organizations are quite prominent, such as Lawyers Collective. and the Centre for Policy Research (CPR) is the best example.

Now the government came to know about this in 2016 and that is why the government put OSAF on the watchlist. That is, from now on, they will have to take permission from the Ministry of Home Affairs before giving any funding. Opposing this, the OSAF went to the top court in 2020 and asked the reason behind putting them on the watch list. But on the contrary, the court reprimanded the OSAF in its verdict and said that the funding of NGOs not only deteriorates the social structure, but it also affects political parties, so permission will have to be sought. But despite this decision of the court, many Soros followers still continue to spread anti-government. In In-fact CPR, OSAF sells funding through a third NGO, ATI, whose advisory council is George Soros himself.

Soros describes himself as a virtual statue of democracy and transparency. Soros himself is a Jewish and Holocaust survivor, which means he knows very well the importance of becoming Israel and being a democracy, but far from supporting Israel, Soros funds terrorist groups such as Hamas and others against Israel. Now some people will call it his personal choice. But if I say George Soros brings down the government in the name of democracy and transparency, for his economic benefit, then it will be true fact.

This is George Soros who broke the Bank of England and made a profit at the cost of UK’s downfall. And mind you, it’s not the one time he has done this. He has done it in ThailandMalaysia and even Russia. A master manipulator of the global order. He’s one of the richest men in the world. What’s it like to have a lot of money? He has consistently used his money to influence policy and people. He’s been accused of undermining the sovereignty of countries. Funding anti national groups and fueling anti national sentiment, we could be looking at the biggest level of international political collusion in history.

He is one of the most feared men in the world. He has an army at his service. Money, Jewish universities, he searched institutions, He uses this army to force his will on his opponents. This is the history of George Soros.

Nitesh Kumar Singh

Technical content writer l Website developer

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